Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Life of Human Beings Without Fresh Water Essay

Fresh water is naturally occurring water on the Earth ‘s surface in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers, ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, and underground as groundwater and underground streams. Fresh water is generally characterized by having low concentrations of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids. The term specifically excludes seawater and brackish water. A human body can survive 8-14 days without water depending on the person. First of all our very existence will be in danger in the absence of fresh drinking water. Besides we will not get the much needed source of irrigation for our fields and as a result there could be lot of scarcity of food. So we will face a situation of food crisis. Water running in rivers is tapped and big dams are constructed and hydropower is produced. Moreover river transport system is not possible in case water stop flowing in rivers. Although plenty of water is available in oceans but that is not fit to be consumed by human beings as it is salty. At last in situation of extinction of fresh water resources, human beings will have to desalinate the sea water which is very costly affair. Lot of poor people will die as they will not be able to afford this type of water obtained through desalination plants. Moreover many types of diseases may occur due to consumption of sea water. In nutshell human beings will face a very difficult time in case they have to line without fresh water. Water is a finite resource which means that the total amount of water in the planet is only limited. Its supply remains the same and yet human population recently grows resulting to a decrease of available amount of freshwater per person. The relatively small amount of available freshwater elaborates on how critical it is for everyone to help preserve and maintain clean, healthy lakes and streams, our sources of water. Water is mostly now being wasted because it is under-priced. We do not realize the significance of it. Also, the uneven distribution of water resources has led to the stage of scarcity in a number of regions. Freshwater provides water for drinking, sanitation, agriculture, transport, electricity generation and recreation. It also creates habitats for a diverse range of animals and plants. There is no way we can live without freshwater supply. Our freshwater resources could eventually deplete if not protected now some way. Truth is we cannot live or function on a daily basis without the use of freshwater supply. It circulates and goes through our bodies, replenishing nutrients and carrying away waste materials. Now think of the scenario where human beings have to live without water.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hong Kong

What about Hong Kong? If we explore the culture of Hong Kong through the lens of the 5-D Model, we can get a good overview of the deep drivers of its culture relative to other world cultures. Power distance This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us. Power distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.At 68 Hong Kong has a high score on PDI – i. e. a society that believes that inequalities amongst people are acceptable. The subordinate-superior relationship tends to be polarized and there is no defense against power abuse by superiors. Individuals are influenced by formal authority and sanctions and are in general optimistic about people’s capacity for leadership and initiative. Individualism The fundamental issue addr essed by this dimension is the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members.It has to do with whether people? s self-image is defined in terms of â€Å"I† or â€Å"We†. In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only. In Collectivist societies people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange for loyalty. At a score of 25 Hong Kong is a collectivist culture where people act in the interests of the group and not necessarily of themselves. In-group considerations affect hiring and promotions with closer in-groups (such as family) are getting preferential treatment.Whereas relationships with colleagues are cooperative for in-groups they are cold or even hostile to out-groups. Personal relationships prevail over task and company. Communication is indirect and the harmony of the group has to be maintained, open conflicts are avoided. Masculinity / Femininity A high score (masc uline) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organisational behaviour.A low score (feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine). At 57 Hong Kong is a somewhat masculine society –success oriented and driven. The need to ensure success can be exemplified by the fact that many will spend many hours at work.Service people (such as hairdressers) will provide services until very late at night. Another example is that students care very much about their exam scores and ranking as this is the main criteria to achieve success or not. Uncertainty avoidance The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen? This ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learnt to deal with this anxiety in different ways.The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is reflected in the UAI score. At 29 Hong Kong has a low score on uncertainty avoidance. Adherence to laws and rules may be flexible to suit the actual situation and pragmatism is a fact of life. The people in Hong Kong are comfortable with ambiguity; the Chinese language is full of ambiguous meanings that can be difficult for Western people to follow. They are adaptable and entrepreneurial. Long term orientationThe long term orientation dimension is closely rel ated to the teachings of Confucius and can be interpreted as dealing with society’s search for virtue, the extent to which a society shows a pragmatic future-oriented perspective rather than a conventional historical short-term point of view. With a score of 96 Hong Kong is a highly long term oriented society in which persistence and perseverance are normal. Relationships are ordered by status and the order is observed. People are thrifty and sparing with resources and investment tends to be in long term projects such as real estate. Traditions can be adapted to suit new conditions.

Cat’s Organizational Structure

Caterpillar’s Organizational Structure Caterpillar is a corporation that designs, manufactures and sells diesel and natural gas engines, construction, and mining equipment. Since the year 1905 Caterpillar has been a corporation that has evolved by making significant improvements to its machinery by taking advantage of the available technology, and it has had the ability to adapt to the dynamic changes and demands of the construction industry. Many significant events have occurred in this business to make this company what it is nowadays, a very prestigious and successful company around the world.In the year 1906 in San Francisco California, when one of the most significant earthquakes took place, the company made a remarkable use of its machinery by helping with the clean-up of such disaster. Soon enough the company made a contribution to Europe, years before War World I started, 1200 tractors were shipped to England, France, and Russia for agricultural purposes; however, thes e governments sent those tractors to the frontline and put them to work halting artillery and supplies.Consequently they served as an inspiration for the British government to invent the tank, for they borrowed the track laying principle to provide the tank with its form of locomotion. Caterpillar has become the number one company in its industry with more than $70 billion is assets; these important achievements could have only been accomplished with a well-defined and functional organizational structure. Legal Form of Organization Caterpillar is an organization that has the legal form of a corporation with more than $ 70 billion in assets. The main shareholders of the corporation are Vanguard group Inc. State Street Global Advisors Ltd. , and Fidelity Management and Research Company with 30,863,961, 16,637,962, and 12,216,827 shares held respectively. Key activities of organization Every year as many other corporations, Caterpillar does a deeply study of the actual situation of the company, and set its goals and strategies to maintain the corporation afloat and to improve their competence in the market. 1. The company’s expectations for the year 2020 are to be recognized as a leader around the globe, also it is very important for the company that their products help their customers succeed in their business uch as construction, agriculture, and mining. They are very focused in making their distribution system a competitive advantage to the company, the business’ financial performance to reward consistently their stockholders, and their personnel to live their set of values which are integrity, excellence, teamwork, and commitment. These objectives are vital for the company to succeed and keep being the leaders of the industry. 2. The SWOT indicated the areas that might endanger the company’s situation : i. Weaknesses: The increasing debt of the company: Caterpillar Inc. is rated second in total debt among competitors.The total debt of the industry is about $ 123. 53 billion. (See Figure 1) Caterpillar represents about 29% of the total debt with $ 35. 96 billion. Fig. 1. Caterpillar Total Debt, company’s debt consists of 29. 11 % of total debt of industry. Macroaxis Inc. Total Debt Breakdown for Caterpillar, 2012. . ii. Threats: * Intense competitive pressures: Caterpillar shares the market with many other companies, and it faces a tough competition to maintain their leading position. Deree and Co, Komatsu Ltd, Kubota Corporation are a few companies in the industry. Environmental regulations: Mining operations dependent upon material prices and political stability. * Foreign exchange and interest rate fluctuations 3. Values are really important issue in every company; without them the daily operations of the company could become a weakness, and advantage for competitors. As Caterpillar’s code of conduct mentions, the main focus in this area is shown in the following chart (see fig. 2). Fig. 2. Caterpill ar Inc. Values’ Chart Patterns of Departmentation Caterpillar if organized by a corporate governance structure with theChairman of the board executing the Role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A completely independent Board of Directors conformed by members outside the company (non-employees). The CEO oversees five group presidents. These groups of presidents supervise twenty-five vice presidents who are in control facilities, geographical regions, marketing regions and four service centers (see fig. 3). Fig. 3. Caterpillar’s Organizational structure. The Official Board. Orgeanizational Chart Caterpillar, April 3, 2012. .As we can see in the table, the corporation does not rely heavily in management levels; instead the chain of command is not very tall; which makes very dynamic the flowing of ideas and orders from Directors to line and production managers. This decentralized structure that took place in the early 1900’s was a key strategy to get closer to custo mers and satisfy more efficiently to their needs. The actual structure of the company is a clear insicator of how the company evolves constantly with the industy; the leadership understand the importance of being constantly involved with the employees at all levels.In the year 2004, the back then vice president of the company Christioano V Schena; shared an interesting story that demonstrated the effectiveness and results that good management can do for the Company. Christiano was sent to Caterpillar inc in Braxil as general manager of the company to deal with many problems the company was facing at that moment. In 1996, a big percentage of the products manufactured at that facility, were missing parts resulting in missed shiping deadlines; making the customers many unhappy with the service.As a result the company was not only loosing sales, but was inefficient sfixing all the problems this enificiency created and wmployees were working overtime and air- shipping parts to complete t he products. Christiano understood that the main problem was that employees had no sense of direction and were not motivated enough; they did not feel any connection with previous leaders which kept them in the shadow of the main mission of the company. He soon began to think and put in practice strategies to change this situation.He started by learning the local language, dor he understood there could not be a sentation of connection between leaders and subordinates in they can’t even speak the same language. He also learned the regional culture and realized that soccer was an important item in their lives. He started to compare the startegies and goals on the company with the strategies and goals of soccer. As the company started to improve and deliver in a much better manner, he was able to get all employees involved in the current performance and actual situation of the company.Employees were very motivated of belonging to a winning team and therefore performed better. He believed when employees are accountable for something, and they are given the tools they need to deliver on those accountabilities, they will do it better. As a result of this strategic planning procces, the employees transformed the business to such a level that in the year 1999 they received the Operational Excellence certification award, and the Premio Nacional Da Qualidade which is the Brazil’s equivalent of the U.S. Malcom Baldridge Award. Thorught this process Chistano also was able to recognize that the poor economical situation of the community surrounding tha company was a factor that threated the success of the company. The crime and low educational level of the area were a factor that limited the growth of the company. The team soon developed a strategy that involved in the effort of other entrepreneurs, CEOs and media leaders, to help the city in orther to attract talented people there. TeamCaterpillar is a global company that keeps constantly expanding across ma ny countries. The company operates hundreds of offices and facilities around the world and has more than 100,000 employees. Teamwork is a must, and there are technicians and engineers working in research, testing and development of new technology for the company in various countries. China, The Philippines, Singapore, and England are just a few of the countries where this company is conducting business in the present.With all these different facilities being located at different places, becomes very difficult to maintain the traditional face to face working environment; therefore, they rely heavily in technology to communicate ideas and coordinate operations from distance. Virtual teams are a must since engineers working at different time zones and places have to communicate their problems, ideas, and projects to achieve their respective task. In figure 4, we can see all the locations that at the present are being operated by the company. Fig. 4. Caterpillar currently operation worl dwide. Worldwide locations, Caterpillar Inc. 012. . Impact of information revolution As a technological company Caterpillar has an advantage over other companies that are not technological based. To keep the constant growth of the company, Caterpillar invests a great amount of capital in the research and development of new and better equipment and technology. Some of the current research projects of the company include ACERT technology in their engines which not only reduces emissions but also does it without affecting performance, reliability, and fuel efficiency.Mining technology and autonomous robotics are also being incorporated to this important step towards the future. All these purposes cannot be accomplished without proper training of their personnel. There are many programs that caterpillar is financing to train their employees and future employees as well. The company is really focused in training its personnel to increase their technical abilities and competence in the m arket. These programs are created for college graduates and could be applied in different areas of study.At the moment the company prefers aspirants with Bachelor’s degrees in Supply Chain Management, Industrial Distribution Management, Business Management, and Engineering. Some of these capacitation programs include: * Leadership and Technical Development Program. * Information Technology Development Program. * Human Resources Professional Development Program. * Logistics Professional Development Program. References Morningstar. Major Shareholders. Retrieved from http://investors. morningstar. com/ownership/shareholders-major. html? t=CAT . Wikipedia. Caterpillar Inc. Retrieved from http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/Caterpillar_Inc. Macroaxis. Total Debt Breakdown for Caterpillar. Retrieved from http://www. macroaxis. com/invest/ratio/CAT–Total_Debt. Yousigma. Caterpillar Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). Retrieved from http://www. yousigma. com/com parativeanalysis/caterpillar. html. Morningstar. Industry Peers CAT. Retrieved from http://financials. morningstar. com/competitors/industry-peer. action? t=CAT®ion=USA&culture=en_US. The Official Board. Caterpillar’s Organizational Structure. Retrieved from http://www. theofficialboard. com/org-chart/caterpillar.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Exchange Traded Option Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Exchange Traded Option Markets - Essay Example (Christopher, 2001; 45-57) However, most exchange-traded options are standardized. There are a set number of strikes and expiry dates available, and it is not generally possible to trade options on the shares of smaller companies. By contrast, in the OTC market dealers will sell and buy options on a wide range of shares, as long as they can find a way to manage the risks associated with such deals. Also, dealers offer a huge variety of non-standard contracts known collectively as exotic options. (John, 2002: 110-118) On some exchanges and with some contracts the buyer of an option is not required to pay the full premium at the outset. Instead, the purchaser deposits initial margin that is a proportion of the premium due on the contract. In the case of the individual stock options traded on LIFFE, the full premium is payable upfront. (Zuhayr, 2001, 63-70) However, the writers of options are subject to margin procedures. They must deposit initial margin at the outset, and will be required to make additional variation margin payments via their brokers to the clearing house if the position moves into loss. (Gordon, 2001: 121-129) The initial margin depends on the degree of risk involved, calculated according to factors such as the price and volatility of the underlying and the time to expiry of the contract. In practice, in order to cover margin calls, brokers often ask for more than the minimum initial margin figure stipulated by the clearing house. The derivatives exchanges also offer listed option contracts on major equity indices such as the S&P 500, the FT-SE 100 and the DAX. Contracts are of two main kinds. Some are options on equity index futures, and exercise results in a long or short futures position. Other contracts are settled in cash against the spot price of the underlying index. If a call is exercised the payout is based on the spot index level less the strike. If a put is exercised the payout is based on the strike less the spot index level. Options on indices and other baskets of shares can also be purchased directly from dealers in the OTC market. (Dimitris, 2000: 90-102) Some dealing houses issue securities called covered warrants which are longer-dated options on shares other than those of the issuer. Warrants are usually listed and trade on a stock market such as the London Stock Exchange. The term 'covered' means that the issuer is writing an option and hedges or covers the risks involved, often by trading in the underlying shares. (Austin, 2000: 73-81) Warrants are purchased by both institutional and retail investors (historically the retail market has been more active in Germany than in the UK). (Christopher, 2001; 45-57) Warrants can be calls or puts and written on an individual share or a basket of shares. They are sometimes settled in cash, and sometimes through the physical delivery of shares. UK Stock Options on LIFFE Table 1 shows some recent prices for stock options on Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc (RBOS) traded on LIFFE. These are the offer or sale prices for contracts posted by dealers placed on the exchange's electronic dealing system, LIFFE Connect. At the time the quotations were taken the options had just over two weeks remaining until expiry and the underlying RBOS share price was 1781

Sunday, July 28, 2019

UK Shouldn't leave European union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

UK Shouldn't leave European union - Essay Example British are of the fact that the weak stance of the Euro zone due to the economic hardships is burdening UK. They are paying for the stability of other countries which are the members of the EU. The cost of this union is very high and the heritage of UK is at stake due to the policies which have been enforced on Britain by EU. This report suggests that UK should remain a part of the EU to ensure a more stable future and dominance on the Euro Zone. This will improve its economic strength and the power of dominance which has been a part of the heritage of UK. INTRODUCTION EUROPEAN UNION (EU) The European Union is an alliance between some of the European nations to support each other in maintaining the stability which arise due to the economic or the social / societal hardships in an economy. The European Union came into existence in the year 1993. A treaty was signed by the members called the Treaty of Maastricht. The base of this alliance was formed in 1958 by European Economic Commun ity (EEC) which was the result of signing of the Treaty of Rome. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH AND THE EUROPEAN NATION United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) have a history which goes back in time. Both the regions have their own significant importance with respect to the business situations. UK operates under the currency of British Pound and the EU states use the standardised currency Euro all across the nation. The history of these states has always been complicated. The current scenario of the states is making problems for the strategic alliance between both the countries. The economic turmoil and the period of recession are forcing a strategic alliance between both the nations. UK has always been on the stronger side due to the British reign and the supremacy of the queen. The strategic personnel of UK and the think tanks which make the strategic decision of the countries progress are of the view of breaking the strategic alliance with the EU. In this report the areas emphasising on the importance of this alliance have been discussed. The current economic factors which are the main detrimental factors of the problems will also be discussed in this report. The economic recession has brought hardship on many nations. We will see that what strategies have been adopted by the UK & EU states. UK wants to break the alliance which has been developed. The factors which have led behind this decision and the study that whether this decision will be or will not be feasible for the states of this region or not. Breaking an alliance at this point may cause a disruption in the complete system and may require the re-establishing of the strategic goals which the region wants to implement. Whether Britain should or should not leave the European Union. If not then what are the factors which will affect the states if this alliance breaks. The alliance would have brought some sort of advantage to the UK and EU nation both. The recommendations should be analysed aft er the detailed study of the topic to present a best possibly applicable conclusion. A POLICY POSITION- UK SHOULDN’T LEAVE EU The votes in the Parliament have emphasised on the point that Britain does not plan to stay a part of the European Union. The current course of action of the representative is showing a trend that Britain will leave the EU by the time the next parliamentarian

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mars Global Explorer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mars Global Explorer - Essay Example This research paper attempts to find out valid reasons and facts supporting the existing of life on Mars. There have been a host of significant discoveries in the past that have reflected on the idea of existence of life on Mars. Mariner IX (1971) orbited Mars and pointed out at the planet having an active weather system. He observed clouds, odd swirls of cloud that make a cyclone, and even frontal systems. It was assumed that the clouds were thin. But in 2004, Mars Global Surveyor took some high resolution images of the clouds thus enabling it to measure their thickness. To much surprise of the scientists, the thickness revealed that cloud’s inside some of the deep canyons was far more opaque and dense than could be imagined. They also contained triple the amount of water than was initially expected. There also exist evidences about the existence of a vast ocean surrounding the Northern Hemisphere of Mars. In 1999, Mars Global Explorer showed positive evidences of palcomagnetic Islands on Mars, with the bands being about 10 times wider than those found on earth (Garrison 94). A recent surprising announcement is made by Mars Global Explorer that there are chances that water still flows on this planet. Images of Martian cliff were sent back by it that showed streaks similar to the ones found on mountains on earth. It is expected that these rocks have melted ice under the surface that bursts out time and then (Kidger 124). This topic is of interest as one of the major missions of European Mars Express is to use specialized decameter radar – MARSIS – for searching for such underground water bodies. Hydrated minerals have already been discovered on the surface of Mars. The above facts clearly throw light on the better possibilities of existence of life on Mars in the nearby past. There are strong evidences supporting the fact that life still exists on Mars owing to its mild climatic conditions and presence of water on its

Friday, July 26, 2019

How Serious a Threat to Democracy Is the Far Right in Europe Today Essay

How Serious a Threat to Democracy Is the Far Right in Europe Today - Essay Example However, other citizens although fewer in number, continue to exploit the same freedom so as to challenge existing political systems with a view of undermining equality, civil rights liberty, and at times seriously endangering them (Katz and Mair, 1995). For quite a number of decades, a radical political system was the major cause of the major cause of these challenges. From the late nineteenth century and onwards, including the World War II, democratic regimes incorporated legal measures to exclude the far right parties from the political game (Betz, 1994). In this manner, liberal democracies acted in a manner to ensure their own stability. However, political dynamics within the last decade has led to the emergence of new forms of threat to the stability of the existing democracies. In this context, such threat is referred to as the uncivil society. Notably, such threat seem to more fluid in the structure and the nature of the political parties, thus presenting an even much greater challenge than the subversive political parties towards the democratic regimes in search for measures to ensure stability. In this study, we contend that, in the 21 century achieving stability by outlawing of some far right political parties is no longer an effective strategy. Moreover, contrary to the to the declines of parties and trade off theses , it is argued that, far right parties and the uncivil society are in joint operation to advance similar goals and thus presents the double threat operating right from parliament and within its environs. The changing nature of the political process By 1850, virtually no county in Europe knew the basics of a political party apart from a few small groups of... This paper has highlighted the three objectives, which were exploring how changes took place in the European politics, which were heavily affected by the far right wing activities. Secondly, the paper has explored the boundaries of the within the European political systems and lastly whether the new regimes have completely replaced old regimes or they have forged cooperation’s. In recent years, the changing role of the party institution has had a significant impact on the far right wing parties. As noted it is only until the 1980s that new wave far right parties emerged. Like their counterparts, the new parties can be regarded as cartels which enjoy poor links with the society. The emergence of new forms of governments not only the growth of the far right camps but also plays a role in their expansion. Generally, uncivil society comprises of well established individuals and groups which have the full support of the current politicians and in some extent they have forged allian ces. Notably, the uncivil society is geared toward subverting liberal democracy through their old fashioned political movements. They hope to govern behind the scenes, influencing all the decisions made at national level. Indeed, such strategies are directed at introducing crime and violence. However, social movements are closer to the people as opposed to the political parties. Some grass toot activities carried out to the far right agenda reveals the intolerances as well the hatred in the society. Although political party has changed in Europe, the role of the party as an organization still remains and in fact these is presented in far rightwing ideologies.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Issue 13 yes 2510 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Issue 13 yes 2510 - Essay Example According to her findings, FGC was performed for more than one reason. However, feminists and other ideologists have made us to believe that the act was meant to subordinate women in a men dominated society. The author argues that neither of these reasons was meant to subordinate women since women undertook the cut willingly. Moreover, the author rubbishes claims that the cut was meant to make women sexually passive. This argument is supported by biological results, stating that the clitoris is not the only critical point for women’s sexual satisfaction. Besides this argument, all the women interviewed for the survey confirmed their support for FGC (Ahmadu, 2000). Indeed, even well educated women supported FGC as part of African culture and traditions. I consider the author’s argument acceptable to the best of my knowledge. This is neither because FGC is meant to subordinate women nor supposed to make them sexually passive. Indeed, the cut was performed with purposes that were best known to individual societies. Furthermore, neither of the societies practiced forceful FGC. Thus, people should be left alone to decide what is good for them without brainwashing them into believing feminist ideologist. Currently, even the most educated African women support FGC. Ahmadu, F. (2000). â€Å"Rites and Wrongs: Excision and Power among Kono Women of Sierra Leone†. In Bettina Shell-Duncan and Ylva Hernlund, (Eds.) Female â€Å"Circumcision† in Africa: Culture, Change, and Controversy. Boulder, CO: Lynne

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Create a definition of a hero and emphasize the core values of Saint Essay

Create a definition of a hero and emphasize the core values of Saint Leos college excellence and integrity - Essay Example heridge Knight’s â€Å"Hard Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminally Insane,† John Hope Franklin’s â€Å"The Train from Hate,† and Claude McKay’s â€Å"Outcast† are all racial Others, yet they exhibit integrity and determination by and by accepting what their blackness entails while strongly believing that they are not inferior to their white counterparts. They alter the definition of a hero as someone who is confident about their self-worth even though social injustice marginalizes them as the Others. In â€Å"The Language of African Literature,† Ngugi first discusses the colonial alienation children in Kenya experiences as a result of the superiority of English over Kikuyu. In other words, the colonial power implied in the English language is perpetuated through education. Thus, Ngugi explains that he decides to write only in Kikuyu so that all local people in Kenya would be able to understand his work. The subject matter of his work includes revolutionary ideas that challenge the authority, and the government sees it as a threat as Ngugi’s writing is highly popular at the grassroots level where people are unfamiliar with English. Ngugi’s act displays his pride towards his own culture, even though it is undermined by the colonial power. His insistence to speak and write in Kikuyu has resulted in imprisonment, yet he continues to promote a wider usage of the native language so that the colonial power would no longer be able to dominate the Kenyan people in ed ucation and in everyday life. As he wrote, â€Å"We African writers are bound by our calling to do for our language what Spenser, Milton, and Shakespeare did for English† (452). This statement challenges the status quo between the Kenyan and British culture and promotes pride in Ngugi and other Kenyan people for their original language. Ngugi’s willingness to accept his blackness and his persistence in challenging the colonial oppression through writing and action exhibit

Ethnography Assignment Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethnography Assignment Worksheet - Essay Example a between the black and white races in the Old Fourth Ward, and the Auburn Avenue’s main drag was called â€Å"the richest Negro street in the world† (McCall). There are also numerous films based on racism and class system that have been made in the past. One such film is A Day Without a Mexican in which a pink fog draws the Mexicans out of California. My fieldwork site is a park in the Downtown Manchester, NH. The neighborhood immediately surrounding my fieldwork site is like mixed commercial and residential. It is easy for me to get to my site since it is located in my home-city. The Veterans Park consists of a stage area for concerts and a memorial for fallen soldiers. I observed that the park is not divided and homeless and non-homeless people are mixed within the park. The US flags have been used to decorate the park. The park is next to a main street, which makes it sound like a typical city with the noises of people, cars, trucks, and traffic. Usually, the noise is more during the day than the night since the load of traffic in the night is lesser and also, the birds that chirp around during the day recede to their nests in the night. The land in the park is all covered in thick grass which is very pleasant and sweet to the smell. Occasionally, car fumes can be smelled as well, particularly when they are parked with a rush. The park setting is both relaxing and comfortable. Since it is a park, there are benches placed around the periphery of the green areas. The land is mostly covered in grass with concrete walkways running through the open areas. Many people bring food and eatables with them as the natural beauty makes the park a nice picnic spot. Most of the people are from the working class. Spceially, the civil servants and the private sector employees from surrounding buildings visit the park for recreation and timepass. Mnay visitors are middle-aged though the community of visitors is diverse as the visitors come with their families i ncluding children

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Public Law Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Public Law Human Rights - Essay Example (Legal Briefing) The Act has sufficient clauses to assist those enmeshed in legal complications with the fourth estate. Its provisions hold out the olive branch to hapless victims of snoopy, uncouth journalists, and those taken into custody for serious offences such as acts of terrorism. It is a step in the right direction for fairer trial and accurate justice. The courts are empowered to impose corrective, punitive or deterrent measures, although in the context of law relating to civil liberties in the United Kingdom, sometimes the sentences delivered by the honorable judges are found either too lenient with rogue elements or unduly harsh on law abiding plaintiffs. The media in UK has lobbied hard to dilute the provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 in its original form, and continue to do so to this day. The reasons are obvious. The HRA is permanent hindrance to their right to free expression. This Act has come as breath of fresh air especially to celebrities and powerful individuals caught in the glare of an uncompromising media. (Privacy And The Press) The Human Rights Act 1998 came into force in the UK on 2nd October 2000. ... The Act makes public authorities in the UK more accountable in their dealing with citizens who can access any British court and seek redressal for infringement of rights enshrined in the Act. Evolving from the Council of Europe, a conglomerate of different European nations formed in 1949 as an aftermath to World War II, and the European Common market formed in 1957, this Act is the creation of the present day European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms to which UK is a signatory from among 41 European nations. (Protecting and promoting your rights) Reactions to this Act have been mixed in a continent accustomed to extreme emotions of ecstasies, turmoil, triumphs, blas and even stony nonchalance since the renaissance. Nevertheless, it has drawn the attention specifically two groups of the people in UK. One of them are those desperate for help from any quarter having exhausted all legal means for justice, and secondly, they are all those keen to get away from the piercing gaze the indicting Act, especially the media. The Act applies specifically to public authorities responsible for the general welfare of the populace. Never before in the history of the British administration was the common man more empowered to confidently take on the government for judicial lapses. It is important to bear in mind the two important factors of judicial interpretations or misinterpretations and recalcitrant occurrences such as terrorism in the present scenario which make issues for the Act more complex and difficult. Under the threat of terrorism, it is but natural for majority of the people to willingly sacrifice some civil liberties for safety and security. On the other hand, in the name of national

Monday, July 22, 2019

Analysis of General Environment Essay Example for Free

Analysis of General Environment Essay HSBC Bank (China) is one of the first foreign banks to incorporate locally in mainland. As a foreign-owned bank, HSBC has the largest services network among foreign banks, targeting the middle-class individuals and business-oriented individuals in China. With the globalization, China is seen as the biggest market in the world. The general environment will bring great effect to the future development of the HSBC (China). The specific analysis is as follow. 1. Demographic Environment China has the largest population in the globe that the number has already reached 1. 4 billion. Most of the people are living in the east and middle areas. In other words, the middle and above-middle-class people assemble in these two areas with the demand of bank service. (National Bureau of Statistic of China, 2011) As the societal pressure growing heavier, less people are willing to give birth to baby so that the problem of population aging arises. According to the reform and opening policies, the east and south areas are better developed than the central and the west. People in the coastal region have higher average income than others. As a result, HSBC (China) mostly build its banking network in the east and south areas, which are so called first-tier cities. Meanwhile, it has also expanded branches in some second-tier cities in the central area of China. 2. Economic Environment As an emerging market, China is developing at a very fast speed with continually growing Gross Domestic Product as well as high export surplus. However, in terms of global environment, the world still not recovers from the economic recession. The financial market in mainland has been impacted that the exchange rate of RMB has gone higher and higher, which has been result in the inflation. To better control the financial market, the interest rate has been increased to limit the cash flow in the market and personal saving rate goes up that people are encouraged to save money in banks rather than investing. Another economic factor putting effect on HBCS in China is the unemployment rate. China government devotes into keeping the unemployment rate low and stable, because once the rate rises sharply, this will destroy the harmony of the society. Consequently, HSBC (China) should take this factor into account to obtain trust and support from the local government. 3. Political Environment In China, banks are supervised by the China Banking Regulatory Commission. There are many barriers setting in front of those foreign banks in China, such as foreign banks are not permitted to establish a business of any scale in the mainland, since the Chinese legislations limit on how many local banking operations can lean on foreign banks. On the other hand, the new parties have held the power, which means new policies and new reform may come into being. Different policies and reform will significantly affect the existence of HSBC in China. With the improvement of the capital market, the financial environment will be deregulated and gain a more loosening environment. Moreover, foreign banks in China have to be charged tax, which will increase the cost and lower the profits of HSBC in mainland. As the compulsory education popularizing, more and more people think highly of the banking service. They become to have good knowledge to the banking items and are tied closely to those services. 4. Socio-cultural Environment Banks serve for people’s demand and need. People’s attitude towards banks is influenced by the social-cultural environment. In China, customers are more conservative that they prefer saving money. Therefore, more emphasis should be put on the retail banking services in mainland. Recent years, with the impact of financial crisis, people are less trusting banks. Banks are seen as greedy organizations by the public, which was result from arbitrary banking charges. 5. Technological Environment Technological change can bring new style of business to organizations. It can change both the product and business way. Since the constant improvement of the Internet, HSBC has launched its online banking services in China. People can have an electronic account to check user’s balances and transactions, make transfer as well as pay bills. Simultaneously, doing business through the Internet not only save the time for customers, but also simplify the business process for HSBC so that they can cut large amount of cost. Furthermore, the development of the mobile phone also benefits the banking services. People can easily access to their account through the mobile Internet. Secondly, particular applications have been invented for mobile users to manipulate their banking service. For example, HSBC has its own applications which can be used for IOS (iphone) and Android operating systems. These applications are convenient to use and also help HSBC to saving labor as well as time cost. 6. Global Environment The global environment is somewhat cannot be controlled by the organizations itself. The global economy stays in a recession for a period of time and seems to be difficult to recover from it. The subsequent influences of the financial crisis affect the economy in China. HSBC (China) has earned less profit these years. Although the macro environment is not so optimistic, China is still the hugest potential market around the world. Besides China, there are still many emerging countries appear in the world, like India. In the future, HSBC (China) should pay attention to create more advantage competitiveness than those HSBC banks in other international regions. Reference Eternity in an hour. (2009). Environmental Analysis-HSBC(A Marketing Perspective). Available from: HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited Fact Sheet. (2013). Available from: HSBC Bank (China). (2013). About HSBC (China). Available from: Sina News. (2012). The War of the Interest Rate. Available from: Studymode. (2012). A PEST Analysis Report of HSBC. Available from: The Wall Street Journal. (2011). In China, Foreign Banks Still Lag Behind. Available from:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

An Explanation of Leadership Theories and Models

An Explanation of Leadership Theories and Models Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) An authoritarian leader makes decision without any consultations. According to Kurt Lewin, the autocratic leadership style is feasible when there is no need for input on the decision and the input will not affect the decision ultimately. Authoritarian leadership style often surfaces in work situations that require low-level skills from employees and are marked by low profit margins or tight cost controls. An example of an authoritarian leader is the traditional toothpaste manufacturer. Manufacturing toothpaste is a repetitive production and due to the low profit margins on each tube of toothpaste, decisions to tighten costs are arrived at the sole decision of the leader. Paternalistic leadership combines authoritarian leadership, or strong discipline and authority, with benevolent leadership, or fatherly care and concern for subordinates personal well-being. Examples of paternalistic leadership style are leaders of food and beverage restaurants. Fast food chain restaurants such as McDonalds and KFC are international brands. As certain standards and procedures are already in place, leaders make decisions to be aligned with the international standards but also have an open-door policy that concentrates on building relationships with the employees. A participative leader shares decision making with group members and accepts suggestions although the final decision may vary as the leader has the final say. According to Lewin, participative leadership style can win the cooperation of employees and motivate them effectively. An example of a participative leadership style is a high-tech manufacturer. As technology is constantly changing, leaders in high-tech organizations promote two-way communications and embrace suggestions from employees. Apple and Microsoft encourage their employees to share ideas and feasible suggestions are later decided to incorporate into their products. The laissez-faire leadership style minimizes the leaders involvement in decision-making and allows employees to make their own decisions such as setting their own policies and methods. Laissez-faire leaders may still be responsible for the outcome of their employees decisions. Laissez-faire works best when people are capable and motivated in making their own decisions and there is no requirement for a central coordination. An example is an entertainment firm that specializes in provision of performance arts. When dealing with a range of artists, employees must be given the freedom to decide on the soft-people skills to tackle each artist. As such, a centralized structure is not feasible for such a versatile industry. Another example is the modeling agencies. As models responsibilities are to portray the clients advertising intents, models must be given the freedom to work closely with the clients. Thus due to the unique nature of the working environment, laissez-faire leadership styl e is more appropriate for the management of such entertainment and modeling agencies. A Leadership Grid (Contingency Leadership Styles) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios High A2 B1 B2 Low C1 C2 A1 Low High Concern for People vs Concern for Work Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) The Leadership Grid also known as Managerial Grid, developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, is a framework that simultaneously specifies concern for the production and people dimensions of leadership because to achieve effective leadership, leader must integrate the task and relationship orientations. Concern for production is the degree to which a leader emphasizes on concrete objectives, organizational efficiency and high productivity when deciding how best to accomplish a task. Concern for people is the degree to which a leader considers the needs of team members, their interests, and areas of personal development when deciding how best to accomplish a task. Low People, Low Work (Impoverished Leadership) Similar to laissez-faire leadership, this leader is mostly ineffective. He has neither a high regard for creating systems for getting the work done nor for creating a work environment that is satisfying and motivating. The result is a place of disorganization, dissatisfaction and disharmony. Entertainment firm and modeling agencies use this leadership style. Leaders of entertainment firm empower employees the flexibility to deal with artists due to the different personality of artists. Similarly, leaders of modeling agencies do not interfere with the models job. As models are required to display the fashion personality of the clients apparel, they are given the freedom to work closely with clients to ensure objectives are met and clients satisfaction is maximized. Low People, High Work (Produce or Perish Leadership) This style of leader is also known as Authoritarian or Compliance Leaders. These leaders believe that employees are simply a means to an end. Employee needs are always secondary to the need for efficient and productive workplaces. This type of leader is very autocratic, has strict work rules, policies and procedures, and views punishment as the most effective means to motivate employees. (Theory XY) Traditional manufacturer uses this leadership style. Such organization has a set of policies and procedures for employees to abide. Furthermore, mechanized technologies are used in the production of toothpaste which leads to minimal human interference. As such, employees are seemed as an operation tool in the production of toothpaste (the result). High People, Low Work (Country Club Leadership) The leader is most concerned about the needs and feelings of members of his team. These leaders operate under the assumption that as long as team members are happy and secure, they will work hard. What tends to result is a work environment that is very relaxed and fun but at the expense of production due to lack of direction and control. High People, High Work (Team Leadership) This is the pinnacle of managerial style. These leaders stress production needs and the needs of the people equally highly. The premise here is that employees are involved in understanding organizational purpose and determining production needs. When employees are committed to, and have a stake in the organizations success, their needs and production needs coincide. This creates a team environment based on trust and respect, which leads to high satisfaction and motivation and, as a result, high production. (Theory Y) Hi-tech manufacturer uses this leadership style. Due to the advancement of technology, these organizations need to respond quickly to the change in environment to stay competitive. As such, leaders often convey and instill the organizations objective in employees to achieve organizations success. Also, leaders encourage employees to share their suggestions into making the organizations products more successful. Such leadership ensures organizations success and employees fulfillment. FB restaurants and fast food chains use this leadership style. Such organizations focus on delivering customer satisfactions through their food. These organizations embed the human touch element in their culture. While the quality of the food is not compromise, leaders of such organizations show care and concern for their employees. Due to personal commitments, the leaders may allow the employees to adapt a flexi-working hours which can greatly affect the manpower during peak periods. The Managerial Grid A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios (9, 9) (9, 1) (1, 9) (5, 5) (1, 1) 1 Low Concern for Production 9 High High 9 1 Low Concern for People Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) The Managerial Grid also known as Leadership Grid, developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, is a framework that simultaneously specifies concern for the production and people dimensions of leadership because to achieve effective leadership, leader must integrate the task and relationship orientations. Concern for production is the degree to which a leader emphasizes on concrete objectives, organizational efficiency and high productivity when deciding how best to accomplish a task. Concern for people is the degree to which a leader considers the needs of team members, their interests, and areas of personal development when deciding how best to accomplish a task. According to Blake and Mouton, the Managerial Grid defined the following five leadership styles: Produce or Perish Leadership (9,1 high production, low people) This style of leader is also known as Authoritarian or Compliance Leaders. These leaders believe that employees are simply a means to an end. Employee needs are always secondary to the need for efficient and productive workplaces. This type of leader is very autocratic, has strict work rules, policies and procedures, and views punishment as the most effective means to motivate employees. Traditional manufacturer uses this leadership style. Such organization has a set of policies and procedures for employees to abide. Furthermore, mechanized technologies are used in the production of toothpaste which leads to minimal human interference. As such, employees are seemed as an operation tool in the production of toothpaste (the result). Country Club Leadership (1,9 low production, high people) The leader is most concerned about the needs and feelings of members of his team. These leaders operate under the assumption that as long as team members are happy and secure, they will work hard. What tends to result is a work environment that is very relaxed and fun but at the expense of production due to lack of direction and control. Impoverished Leadership (1,1 low production, low people) This leader is mostly ineffective. He has neither a high regard for creating systems for getting the work done nor for creating a work environment that is satisfying and motivating. The result is a place of disorganization, dissatisfaction and disharmony. Entertainment firm and modeling agencies use this leadership style. Leaders of entertainment firm empower employees the flexibility to deal with artists due to the different personality of artists. Similarly, leaders of modeling agencies do not interfere with the models job. As models are required to display the fashion personality of the clients apparel, they are given the freedom to work closely with clients to ensure objectives are met and clients satisfaction is maximized. Middle-of-the-Road Leadership (5,5 middle production, middle people) This style seems to balance the two competing concerns. It may at first appear to be an ideal compromise. However, a problem lies within. When the leader compromise, he tends to give away a bit of each concern so that neither production nor people needs are fully met. Leaders who us this style settle for average performance and often believe that this is the most anyone can expect. FB restaurants and fast food chains use this leadership style. Such organizations focus on delivering customer satisfactions through their food. These organizations embed the human touch element in their culture. While the quality of the food is not compromise, leaders of such organizations show care and concern for their employees. Due to personal commitments, the leaders may allow the employees to adapt a flexi-working hours which can greatly affect the manpower during peak periods. Team Leadership (9,9 high production, high people) This is the pinnacle of managerial style. These leaders stress production needs and the needs of the people equally highly. The premise here is that employees are involved in understanding organizational purpose and determining production needs. When employees are committed to, and have a stake in the organizations success, their needs and production needs coincide. This creates a team environment based on trust and respect, which leads to high satisfaction and motivation and, as a result, high production. Hi-tech manufacturer uses this leadership style. Due to the advancement of technology, these organizations need to respond quickly to the change in environment to stay competitive. As such, leaders often convey and instill the organizations objective in employees to achieve organizations success. Also, leaders encourage employees to share their suggestions into making the organizations products more successful. Such leadership ensures organizations success and employees fulfillment . The model proposes that when both people and production concerns are high, employee engagement and productivity increases accordingly. This is often true and it follows the ideas of Theories X and Y, and other participative management theories. Transformational vs Transactional Leadership A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios Transformational Leader Transactional Leader A2 C1 C2 A1 B1 B2 Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) Transactional leadership assumes that work is done only because it is rewarded and thus the leader focuses on designing tasks and reward structures. It may not be the most appealing leadership strategy in building relationships and developing a long-term motivating work environment, it is workable in most organizations on a daily basis to get work done. This leadership style starts with the idea that employees agree to obey their leader totally when they accept a job. The leader has a right to punish the employees if their work does not meet the standard. Under transactional leadership, little can be done to improve employees job satisfaction. Transactional leadership is a type of management rather than a true leadership style because the focus is on short-term tasks. It has serious limitations for knowledge-based or creative work. Examples of transactional leadership can be found in traditional manufacturer organisations, FB restaurants and fast food chain restaurants. Work structur es in these organizations are typically standard and routine and thus, employees experience minimal job satisfaction. In these organizations, the relationship between the leader and employees is similar to that of a transaction, whereby the leader rewards/pays the employees for the work done. Transformational leaders are true leaders who inspire employees constantly with a shared vision of the future. They are exceptionally motivating and trusted. While this leaders enthusiasm is often passed onto the team, he needs to be supported by detail people. That is why in many organizations, both transactional and transformational leadership are needed. The transactional leaders (or managers) ensure that routine work is done reliably while the transformational leaders look after initiatives that add value. Transformational leaders are found in hi-tech manufacturer, entertainment firm and modeling agency. Leaders in such organizations have the vision and foresight to bring the organizations to greater heights through a healthy and interactive relationship with the employees. Leaders in hi-tech manufacturer such as Apple welcome and embrace suggestions from employees to improve its products that appeal to the consumers. As such, Apple has been very successful over the years in prod ucing gadgets for consumers worldwide. Leaders in entertainment firms strive to bring their arts to the world and promote their countries cultural arts. This is to prevent the extinction of cultural arts. Leaders in modeling agencies usually have the passion for fashion. They inspire models to display and bring to life the fashion personality of the designers. (E) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios Theory X Theory Y A1 B1 B2 A2 C1 C2 Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) Accordingly Douglas McGregor, Theory X (authoritarian management style) assumes that the average person has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can. Because of their dislike for work, most people must be controlled and threatened before they will work hard enough. The average person prefers to be directed, dislikes responsibility, is unambiguous and desires security above everything. These assumptions give rise to both tough management with punishments and tight controls, and soft management which aims at harmony at work. In actual facts, a person needs more than financial rewards at work. He also needs some deeper higher order motivation such as the opportunity to fulfill himself. Theory X managers however, do not give their employees this opportunity. In traditional manufacturer organizations, FB restaurants and fast food chain restaurants, jobs are often rigid and routine. Basically, employees do not expect any variances in their daily work. Thus they are tasked to simply perform routine work without the need to bother about anything else. According to McGregor, Theory Y (participative management style) assumes that the physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest. Control and punishment are not the only methods to make people work. Man will exert self-direction if he is committed to the organizations aims. The average man learns under proper conditions not only to accept but to seek responsibility. A large number of employees use imagination, creativity and ingenuity to solve work problems. Although Theory Y is difficult to put into practice on the shop floor in large mass production operations, it is used initially to manage managers. In situations where it is possible to obtain commitment to objectives, it is better to explain the matter fully so that employees grasp the purpose of an action. They will then exert self-direction and control to do better work than if they had simply carry out an order. In hi-technology organizations, entertainment firms and modeling agencies, employees are often pa ssionate about the jobs and thus are empowered to take on greater responsibility in handling situations. Due to the uncertainty of the industries, employees need to respond timely to environmental changes. In a nutshell, McGregor wants managers to put into operation the basic assumption that Staff will contribute more to the organization if they are treated as responsible and valued employees. (F) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios Transformational A2 C1 C2 Transactional A1 B1 B2 Theory X Theory Y Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) The concept of transactional and transformational leadership, and Theories X and Y has been covered in the above questions. Transactional leadership Theory X Due to the routine and rigidity of work in traditional manufacturing organizations and FB restaurants, leaders believe that employees dislike work and will avoid it if possible. Thus, transactional leadership is often used in these organizations to reward employees in order to get work done. Transactional leadership Theory Y As most fast food chain restaurants already have worldwide presence, transactional leaders must ensure that the restaurants standard is consistent with the chains predetermined principles. In order to achieve this, leaders engage in a transaction relationship with employees by providing adequate rewards to employees. However, cultures across countries vary. Understanding this cultural difference, country leaders encourage employees to share their views to improve the fast food restaurants into a better dining choice for consumers. Transformational leadership Theory Y Hi-technology manufacturing organizations, entertainment firms and modeling agencies adapt transformational leadership because leaders are ambitious and believe that the organizations have the capability to attain greater heights. Leaders in such organizations share and instill the organizations vision to employees and highlight that every employees play an important part in the organizations success. Due to the turbulent environment of these industries, employees are empowered with the flexibility to solve work problems. As such, employees are encouraged to assume greater responsibility. (G) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios organic organization A2 B2 C1 C2 mechanistic organization A1 B2 Theory X Theory Y Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) Mechanistic organizations have clear well-defined, centralized, vertical hierarchies of command, authority and control. Efficiency and predictability are emphasized through specialization, standardization and formalization. As such, it results in rigidly defined jobs, technologies and processes. Organizational structures, processes and roles function like a machine in which each part of the organization does what it is designed to accomplish. Mechanistic organizations are often appropriate in stable environments and for routine tasks and technologies. Organic organizations are decentralized with flexible, broadly defined jobs and have relatively few and broadly defined rules, procedures and processes. Such organizations focus on interdependence among employees and units, multi-directional communication, employee initiative, and employee participation in problem solving and decision making. Organic organizations are highly suitable for unstable, turbulent environments and for non-routine tasks and technologies. In organic organizations, the emphasis is on effectiveness, problem solving, responsiveness, flexibility, adaptability, creativity and innovation. Such an organization responds timely to environmental change because employees are empowered to be creative, to experiment and to suggest new ideas. The process of innovation is triggered by employees throughout the organization in a bottom-up manner. The concept of Theories X and Y has been covered in the above questions. Mechanistic organization, Theory X A traditional manufacturing organization operates in a relatively stable environment and jobs are often rigidly defined. Such organizations adapt mechanistic management system whereby production processes and techniques are employed to minimize waste and maximize outputs for a given quantity of inputs. The ultimate goal of mechanistic structure is efficiency. Due to the routine and non-challenging daily work, leaders believe that employees dislike work and will avoid it if possible. Thus, transactional leadership is often used in these organizations to reward employees in order to get work done. Mechanistic organization, Theory Y As most fast food chain restaurants already have worldwide presence, there is clear command and control to ensure that every countrys restaurants standard is consistent with the chains predetermined principles. Thus, mechanistic structure is employed to achieve the desire objective. Recognizing the cross-cultural differences, country leaders encourage employees to share their views to improve the fast food restaurants into a better dining choice for consumers. Organic organizations, Theory Y Hi-technology manufacturing organization, FB restaurants, entertainment firms and modeling agencies operate in a highly turbulent environment and are very vulnerable to competition. Thus, these organizations employed the organic management system to respond timely to the environmental changes. Employees are required to work cross-functionally cohesively to ensure challenges are addressed promptly. Employees in such organizations identify themselves with the organizations and assume greater responsibility to ensure corporate success. (H) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios organic organization A2 C1 C2 mechanistic organization A1 B1 B2 Transactional leadership Transformational leadership Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) The concepts of mechanistic and organic organization, as well as transactional and transformational leadership have been covered in the above questions. Due to the routine and rigidity of job scope in the traditional manufacturing organizations, FB restaurants and fast food chain restaurants, these organizations have a mechanistic structure with well-defined command and control. Employees suggestions and views usually have no impact on the organizations decisions. Thus due to the lack of job satisfactions in employees, transactional leadership is usually used in such organizations to get work done. As hi-technology manufacturing organizations, entertainment firms and modeling agencies operate in a highly unstable environment and are vulnerable to competitions, organic structures are more appropriate to ensure changes to the environment are responded to promptly. Such organizations are led by transformational leaders as they have the foresight and motivation attributes to influence and lead the employees and organizations towards greater heights. Most importantly, transformational leaders have the ability to solve problem efficiently. (I) A1. Traditional manufacturer (eg. tooth paste factory) A2. Hi-tech manufacturer (eg. SD card maker; involve hardware + software development) B1. FB restaurant (eg. Food stalls, seafood restaurants) B2. Fast food chain restaurant (eg. McDonalds, KFC) C1. Entertainment firm specializes in provision of performance arts, with a range of artists C2. Agency that represents fashion models, trains models, get test shoots and layout portfolios Transformational A2 C1 C2 Transactional A1 B1 B2 Authoritarian Paternalistic Participative Laissez-faire Explain how to read the above diagram. Use a separate same diagram to include the relevant job functions/titles (if you want to extend your explanation!) The concepts of transactional, transformational, authoritarian, paternalistic, participative and laissez-faire leadership have been covered in the above questions. Transactional and authoritarian leaderships are employed in traditional manufacturing organizations. As the job scopes are routine and well-defined, employees are required to follow and adhere to instructions from the management. Little variations occur in such organizations. Furthermore, due to the lack of job satisfactions in employees, leaders reward employees so as to get the work done promptly. If employees work standard falls below expected, leaders have the rights and authority to impose punishment on employees. Transactional and paternalistic leaderships are used in FB restaurants and fast food chain restaurants. Instructi

The Modern Tragic Hero Of Gatsby English Literature Essay

The Modern Tragic Hero Of Gatsby English Literature Essay In the novel The Great Gatsby, Gatsby is a tragic hero because he displays the fundamental characteristics of modern tragic hero. He is a common man, he contains the characteristics of a tragic flaw, and he eventually has a tragic fall. Although at first glance Gatsby might not seem to be the everyday man, in reality he actually is. At one point Gatsbys past is being examined and his parents are described as shiftless and unsuccessful farm people which shows the readers that he came from humble roots and was just like everyone else (Fitzgerald 95). He was not born into wealth and privilege and did not have any special background that gave him an advantage over others. Another instance in which Gatsby is portrayed as the average man is when Nick is discussing Gatsbys past and he says, So he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen-year-old boy would be likely to invent(Fitzgerald 95). This shows that the persona that Gatsby has created for himself is that of any average, immature boy. As the novel progresses further you find Nick recounting Gatsbys past and describing him as being a penniless young man which again shows the reader that Gatsby is really just the common man with a big dream (Fitzgerald 141 ). This statement helps take away some of the disguise of wealth and overwhelming power, and brings him into a more human perspective. Gatsbys tragic flaw is that his view of the world is obstructed by his own naive idealism. It is very clear to the reader that Gatsby is idealistic when, while Nick is over at Gatsbys house, he reflects on Daisys and Gatsbys relationship and he notes, There must have been momentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ when Daisy tumbled short of his dreamsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ because of the colossal vitality of his illusion(Fitzgerald 92). This shows that even Nick, his best friend and the one that sticks up for Gatsby the most, sees that Gatsby perceives Daisy to be ideal and perfect. Gatsby does not see things as they really are and expects them to play out exactly as he thinks they will. An example of this is when Nick is talking to Gatsby after a party and he tells Gatsby that he cant repeat the past, and Gatsby responds, Cant repeat the past?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Why of course you can!' (Fitzgerald 106). This delusion, that he can repeat the past and redo everything, blinds Gatsby to what is going on right in fr ont of him. It seems as though he does not realize how absurd the idea of obtaining Daisy love is. Gatsbys idealism also blinds him to how Daisy really acts and what her personality is like. An example of this can be seen in the imagery of the novel. Throughout the novel white is used as imagery for pure and innocent, while yellow represents corruption. A daisy has white petals and a yellow center. This imagery relates because it shows how Gatsby perceives Daisy. All he sees is a beautiful, loving woman who loves him back and he cannot see past his own idealistic view of the perfect Daisy to the corrupt, shallow, money-loving Daisy. Another example of Gatsbys overwhelming idealism is his own self perception. Gatsby thinks as long as he surrounds himself with riches and the wealthy, that people will accept him and he can erase his former self; Gatsby the poor farm boy. This shows how he is idealistic because no matter what a person does, the former self will always be there. Later in the novel when Nick is reflecting on Gatsbys idea of Daisy he notes, He wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: I never loved you.' (Fitzgerald 105). This idea is not a realistic expectation because Daisy is already married and has a family to take care of; also her religion prevents her from getting a divorce and marrying him. All these are factors block Gatsby from obtaining his ideal dream, but he seems to be blind to them. Although Gatsbys physical fall starts near the end of novel, his spiritual fall arguably begins before you even meet him. In the middle of the novel you hear about Gatsbys past and how he was a poor average man, but he was honest and worked hard. As the novel progresses you hear about his relationship with Daisy and how it ended because he was not wealthy enough. He needed to become wealthy so that Daisy would marry him. To obtain this wealth Gatsby started to participate in dishonest and illegal deeds such as bootlegging. This shows a fall spiritually because he goes against his morals and values. Closer to the end of the novel, after Daisy kills Myrtle in car accident, you learn that Gatsby will take the blame for Myrtles death. Although this is a show of love for Daisy, it is eventually what leads him to his physical downfall. Throughout the novel you are shown images of Gatsby surrounded by all kinds of wealthy and high class people, and it seems as though he has many friends. Ho wever, at Gatsbys funeral at the very end of the novel when Gatsby is shot and killed, there is no one there except for a select few. This image is used very well because it shows how the mighty have fallen. The one person everyone thought had it all, in reality has nothing; no money, no love and no friends. Gatsby is a perfect example of a modern tragic hero because he has an eventual tragic fall, he displays certain characteristic that shows that he has tragic flaw and if you look beyond his wealth, you will see that he was just common man with a big dream.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Effects of Aristotelian Teleological Thought on Darwins Mechanisti

The Effects of Aristotelian Teleological Thought on Darwin's Mechanistic Views of Evolution The need to understand organisms has been a much sought goal of science since its birth as biology. History shows Aristotle and Charles Darwin as two of the most powerful biologists of all time. Aristotle's teleological method was supported widely for over 2,000 years. One scientist remarks that the Aristotelian teleology "has been the ghost, the unexplained mystery which has haunted biology through its whole history" (Ayala, 10). If Aristotle's approach has frightened biology, then Darwin, who actually nicknamed himself the "Devils Chaplain," and his idea of natural selection has virtually dissected Aristotle's ghost. While Aristotle explained biology through a plan and a purpose, Darwin debated that randomness and chaos are responsible for the organic world as we know it. Guiseppe Montalenti, an Italian geneticist and philosopher of biology, wrote that Darwin's ideas were a rebellion against thought in the Aristotelian-scholastic way (Ayala, 4). In order to understand how Darwinism can be considered a revolt against Aristotle, we must first inspect Aristotle's ideas and thoughts about biology. Aristotle used teleology to explain the harmony and final results of the earth. Teleology is the study of the purpose of nature. Aristotle believed that scientists should follow the plan adopted by mathematicians in their demonstrations of astronomy, and after weighing the phenomena presented by animals, and their several parts, follow consequently to understand the causes and the end results. Using this method, Aristotle constructed causes for body parts and processes of the human body, such as sundry types of teeth. Aristotle elucidated on this topic: "When we have ascertained the thing's existence we inquire as to its nature†¦when we know the fact we ask the reason" (Evans, 82). Despite Aristotle's frequent teleological explanations, he did warn against teleology leading to misinterpretations of facts. In a short writing on the reproduction of bees in Generation of Animals, Aristotle was troubled that there were insufficient observations on the subject, and warns that his theory is dependent on facts supporting the theory. One twentieth century biologist... ... to describe evolution teleologically. This proof, of course, is not possible, as evolution through natural selection cannot be described as goal-oriented since it happens due to previous events or transformations, not in anticipation of coming events. If we were goal-oriented, natural selection would not be supple enough to be useful in rapidly changing environments (Mayr, 43). References Aristotle. The Works of Aristotle, Encyclopedia Britannica. New York, 1952 Ayala, F.J. and Tobzharsky, T. Studies in the Philosophy of Biology. University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles. 1974. Burrow, John. Editor introduction to Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species Penguin books. England, 1968. Evans, G. The Physical Philosophy of Aristotle. University of New Mexico Press. Albuquerque, 1964. Kirk, G., Raven, J. and Schofield, M. The Presocratic Philosophers. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 1983. Mayr, Ernst. Toward a New Philosophy of Biology. Harvard University Press. 1988. Moore, Ruth. Evolution. Time-life books. Alexandria, Virginia. 1980. Simpson, George The Meaning of Evolution. Yale University Press. New Haven and London. 1949.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Love in Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovannis Room, and Anot

     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baldwin’s first three novels -Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni's Room, and Another Country-boil over with anger, prejudice, and hatred, yet the primary force his characters must contend with is love.   Not meek or mawkish but "...something active, more like fire, like the wind" (qtd. in O'Neale 126), Baldwin's notion of love can conquer the horrors of society and pave the way to "emotional security" (Kinnamon 5).   His recipe calls for a determined identity, a confrontation with and acceptance of reality, and finally, an open, committed relationship.   Though Baldwin's characters desperately need love, they fail to meet these individual requirements, and the seeds of love they sow never take root and grow to fruition.    Baldwin's fixation with love, especially a love perpetually denied, arises from his past, which colors must of his writings.   Baldwin never knew his father.   He endured the brunt of his stepfather's abuse simply because he was not his true son.   Similarly, Baldwin's characters never receive familial love and are cast out, with neither support nor an understanding of love, into a world of hatred.   Baldwin never forgot his cold, strict, intolerant stepfather, David Baldwin, and this failed relationship between father and son forms the basis for his first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain.   Also fundamental to Baldwin's works is his homosexuality, which plays a predominate role in Giovanni's Room and Another Country.   He favors the homosexual characters, who come closest to achieving love, not merely on account of their sexuality, but because they tend to meet more of Baldwin's prerequisites: "In his most elegant formulation, [Baldwin] remarked that the word homosexual might be an adjective, perhaps a... ...unity."   MELUS 10 (1983), 27-31.   Rpt. in Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. O'Neale, Sondra A.   "Fathers, Gods, and Religion: Perceptions of Christianity and Ethnic Faith in James Baldwin."   In Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. Pratt, Louis H. James Baldwin.   Boston: Twayne, 1978. Rosenblatt, Roger.   "Out of Control: Go Tell It on the Mountain and Another Country."   In Black Fiction.   N.p.: Harvard University, 1974.   Rpt. in Harold Bloom ed.   James Baldwin.   New York: Chelsea House, 1986. Standley, Fred L.   "James Baldwin: The Artist as Incorrigible Disturber of the Peace." Southern Humanities Review 4 (1970), 18-30.   Rpt. in Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. Comparing Love in Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni's Room, and Anot      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Baldwin’s first three novels -Go Tell It on the Mountain, Giovanni's Room, and Another Country-boil over with anger, prejudice, and hatred, yet the primary force his characters must contend with is love.   Not meek or mawkish but "...something active, more like fire, like the wind" (qtd. in O'Neale 126), Baldwin's notion of love can conquer the horrors of society and pave the way to "emotional security" (Kinnamon 5).   His recipe calls for a determined identity, a confrontation with and acceptance of reality, and finally, an open, committed relationship.   Though Baldwin's characters desperately need love, they fail to meet these individual requirements, and the seeds of love they sow never take root and grow to fruition.    Baldwin's fixation with love, especially a love perpetually denied, arises from his past, which colors must of his writings.   Baldwin never knew his father.   He endured the brunt of his stepfather's abuse simply because he was not his true son.   Similarly, Baldwin's characters never receive familial love and are cast out, with neither support nor an understanding of love, into a world of hatred.   Baldwin never forgot his cold, strict, intolerant stepfather, David Baldwin, and this failed relationship between father and son forms the basis for his first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain.   Also fundamental to Baldwin's works is his homosexuality, which plays a predominate role in Giovanni's Room and Another Country.   He favors the homosexual characters, who come closest to achieving love, not merely on account of their sexuality, but because they tend to meet more of Baldwin's prerequisites: "In his most elegant formulation, [Baldwin] remarked that the word homosexual might be an adjective, perhaps a... ...unity."   MELUS 10 (1983), 27-31.   Rpt. in Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. O'Neale, Sondra A.   "Fathers, Gods, and Religion: Perceptions of Christianity and Ethnic Faith in James Baldwin."   In Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988. Pratt, Louis H. James Baldwin.   Boston: Twayne, 1978. Rosenblatt, Roger.   "Out of Control: Go Tell It on the Mountain and Another Country."   In Black Fiction.   N.p.: Harvard University, 1974.   Rpt. in Harold Bloom ed.   James Baldwin.   New York: Chelsea House, 1986. Standley, Fred L.   "James Baldwin: The Artist as Incorrigible Disturber of the Peace." Southern Humanities Review 4 (1970), 18-30.   Rpt. in Fred L. Standley and Nancy V. Burt.   Critical Essays on James Baldwin.   Boston: G. K. Hall, 1988.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

George Orwell Stories Review

In the story â€Å"On the Rainy River† a 20-year old named Tim O’Brien is about to be given the freedom to go anywhere in life until he receives a draft notice requiring him to join the army in the Vietnam War. Tim O’Brien is tested both physically and mentally. He has the option to flee to Canada or go to the war. Each option would result in abandoning family, friends, and fond memories. In his essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant,† reminisces about a bad decision he made earlier in life, just like Tim. Reflecting on his experience, Orwell has also identified the reasons why he did it: â€Å"I could get nothing into perspective.I was young and ill-educated and I had to think out my problems in utter silence,† Tim O’Brien also dealt with his problems alone, â€Å" I felt isolated; I spent a lot of time alone. † Both Tim and George are struggling to deal with their problems and it’s eating away at them. In â€Å"On the Rainy River,à ¢â‚¬  having a good education doesn’t have much on an impact on Tim’s life, because if your nation calls on you to defend your country, you’re going to have to make a difficult decision on whether you’re going to flee or going to war.Being educated makes Tim more open-minded, and prevents him from indulging in the nationalism that was sweeping the nation during that time. Although Tim may have good reasons we shouldn’t be in the war, the nation was depending on men like him. In â€Å"Shooting an Elephant,† George Orwell says â€Å" †¦I could get nothing into perspective. I was young and ill-educated and I had to think out my problems in the utter silence that is imposed on every Englishman in the East.† George Orwell is trying to say that when you’re young and inexperienced you’re bound to make a lot of mistakes. When you’re young your family, peers, and own country have influenced your opinions. Many indivi duals are afraid and unwilling to deviate from the norm. George is an anti-imperialist at heart, but puts on an officer uniform and represents imperialism because that is how the European nation is viewed to the rest of the world. Based off of Orwell’s ideas, you should think individually so you won’t regretthings later on in life as George and Tim do. Your conscious would show you wrong from right. George Orwell’s ideas can also be applied to â€Å"On the Rainy River†. Although Tim is educated on the war in Vietnam, he does have to deal with his problems in utter silence because he’s afraid that the people he can talk to will tell him to go to the war and he doesn’t want to be called a coward, which takes a toll on his body. â€Å"How at work one morning†¦I felt something break open in my chest†¦it was a physique rupture.† So not only is Tim losing sleep and becoming paranoid, but now the stress is affecting Tim’s ph ysical health as well. If Tim had talked to Elroy Berdahl he would have been much better off. The guilt and stress has been eating away at Tim all summer, and will continue to get at him until he can speak to someone about what he’s going through. If Tim had vented to Elroy, his physical and mental health might have returned to normal, which would have helped him to make his decision. George faces being ill educated along with dealing with his problems.George is an outcast in the native village. He is supposed to be striking fear into these people, however he is against the brutality and injustice that imperialism instills on its subjects. If only George had had the courage to tell the natives who he really was, he might have had an easier time being accepted by them. If George had been better educated, he might have known how to think straight when surrounded by two thousand people; he might have also known where to shoot the elephant so it wouldn’t have to suffer the way it did.To conclude, both Tim and George tried to run away from the inevitable. You can’t escape who you are, and that is what Tim and George tried to do. Tim was an American citizen who was caught up in the draft for the Vietnam War, and George was a citizen of an imperial nation. Tim couldn’t face leaving his friends and family behind so he ended up damaging himself both physically and mentally without even trying to talk this out with his family and friends.While George an anti-imperialist at hear must enforce it upon this Asian country. Both decisions were forced by others whether it is Tim deciding to go to the war due to the devastating fact that if he were to go to Canada, he would never see his family again and if George didn’t shoot that elephant, the tribal people would be more disrespectful than ever. George Orwell wants us to be individuals and think for ourselves. We shouldn’t be influenced by others to make decisions we wouldn’t n ormally do.

Other-than-temporary impairment (OTTI) Essay

IntroductionO.T.T. unified, in the main engaged in the manufacture and change of clothing, has six investitures remaining in the segments portfolio as of celestial latitude 31. concord to ASC, this memo analyzes whether either of its investings are other-than- irregular stricken, and determines the kernel of the hurt.Facts enthronisation 1 Happy cutting twelvemonth & Co.OTT purchased 11 contributions of Happy juvenile Year & Co. stock on at $20 a share on Jan. 3, 20X1, and the expenditure dropped to $15 in treat and remained steady till Dec. 31, 20X1. OTT management does non consider the decline in equipment casualty to be permanent and has asserted that it does not set apart to grapple this investiture in the future. enthronization 2 Beary BearyOTT held notes of Beary Beary with an amortized price of $95 and a decorous grade of $88 on Dec. 31, 20X1. OTTs investment perpetration established a policy requiring the sale of this pledge when the plum honour declines on a lower floor $90. enthronisation 3 Buy-A-Lot federationOTT held bonds of Buy-A-Lot Company with an amortized appeal of $100 and a amusement park nurture of $88 as of December 31, 20X1. The companys commendation rating upgraded from BBB to BBB+ that management has asserted it does not intend to look at this investment.Investment 4 certify Madness IncorporatedOn run into 25, 20X1, OTT bought 50 shares of March Madness Incorporated stock at $100 a share, classifying its investment as available for sale. As of December 31, 20X1, the price of the stock was $72. On January 31, 20X2, the date the Companys pecuniary statements are issued, the price of the stock went up to $75.Investment 5 Tohoku ToysOTT held bonds issued by Tohoku Toys with an amortized comprise of $25 and a seemly prize of $5 as of December 31, 20X1. Tohoku Toys is exhalation through a restructuring because it was significantly change by a severe earthquake in April 20X1. OTT does not belie ve that the restructuring leave behind ultimately be successful.Investment 6 ChatterboxOTT holds a debt gage issued by Chatterbox with an amortized cost of $100 and a fair value of $90 as of December 31, 20X1. The present value of the notes flows OTT expects to receive, discounted at the securitys accepted effective interest rate is $92 as of December 31, 20X1. OTT intends to take this security.IssuesThe other-than- fly-by-night price depends on two issuesWhether the fair value of the investment is less than its cost. The stultification is every temporary or other than temporary depending on other guidance when the fair value is less than its cost.DiscussionInvestment 1Happy New Year & Co.ASC 323-10-35-32 A prejudice in value of an investment that is other than a temporary decline shall be accepted. Evidence of a loss in value office include, but would not necessarily be limited to, absence seizure of an ability to find oneself the carrying descend of the investment or unfitness of the investee to sustain an wampum capacity that would warrant the carrying amount of the investment. ASC 320-10-35-34 If it is determined in whole tone 2 that the mischief is other than temporary, thence an decline in quality loss shall be recognized in earnings equal to the faultless difference amongst the investments cost and its fair value at the balance sheet date of the coverage period for which the assessment is made. Because the share price had a large decline from $20 to $15 and remained steady around $15 in most of time, it seems the share is absence of an ability to recover the carrying amount of the investment. Therefore, other-than-temporary impairment hasoccurred, and loss of $55 (11*$5) should be recorded.Investment 2 Beary BearyASC 320-10-35-33A If an entity intends to sell the debt security (that is, it has distinguishable to sell the security), an other-than-temporary impairment shall be considered to eat occurred. The company intends to sel l the investment because the fair value is below $90. Therefore, other-than-temporary impairment has occurred, and loss of $7 ($95-$88) should be recorded.Investment 3 Buy-A-Lot CompanyASC 320-10-35-33F Changes in the quality of the quotation enhancement should be considered when estimating whether a deferred payment loss exists and the period over which the debt security is expected to recover. Although the fair value of the investment was lower than the amortized cost, the credit rating had been upgraded from BBB to BBB+, and the investment does not intend to be sold. These try show that the bond is expected to recover, so no other-than-temporary impairment has occurred.Investment 4 March Madness IncorporatedASC 320-10-35-34 The fair value of the investment would then release the new amortized cost origination of the investment and shall not be adjusted for later(prenominal) recoveries in fair value. ground on ASC 320-10-35-34 I mentioned above, the other-than-temporary i mpairment should be recoded as $28 ($100-$72) as of December 31, 20X1. On January 31, 20X2, when the price of the stock went up to $75, the other-than-temporary impairment should be recoded as $25 ($100-$75). If the share price was $95 instead of $75 on January 31, 20X2, I think no other-than-temporary impairment needs to be recorded, because there is no material decrease occurred.Investment 5 Tohoku ToysASC 320-10-35-35 In periods after the credit of an other-than-temporary impairment loss for debt securities, an entity shall account for the other-than-temporarily impaired debt security as if the debt security had been purchased on the measurement date of theother-than-temporary impairment at an amortized cost basis equal to the front amortized cost basis less the other-than-temporary impairment recognized in earnings. For debt securities for which other-than-temporary impairments were recognized in earnings, the difference between the new amortized cost basis and the cash flows expected to be collected shall be accreted in consent with existing applicable guidance as interest income. Although Tohoku Toys is undergoing a restructuring because of earthquake, OTT does not believe the restructuring result be successful. Based on authoritative literature mentioned above, the other-than-temporary impairment shall be recognized as $20 ($25-$5) when no addition evidence provided.Investment 6 ChatterboxAlternative 1SAB 320-10-35-34B If an entity intends to sell the security or more in all probability than not will be call for to sell the security before retrieval of its amortized cost basis less any current-period credit loss, the other-than-temporary impairment shall be recognized in earnings equal to the full difference between the investments amortized cost basis and its fair value at the balance sheet date. Based on the authoritative literature, if OTT intends to sell this security, the other-than-temporary impairment shall be recognized in earnings equa l to the entire difference between the investments amortized cost basis ($100) and its fair value ($90), which is $10. Alternative 2SAB 320-10-35-34C If an entity does not intend to sell the security and it is not more apt(predicate) than not that the entity will be necessary to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost basis less any current-period credit loss, the other-than-temporary impairment shall be separated into two of the following a. The amount representing the credit loss.b. The amount related to all other factors. contrary from alternative 1, if OTT does not intend to sell the security and it is not more likely than not that it will be required to sell the security, the credit loss will be $8 ($100-$92) and other factor loss willbe $2 ($10-$8).