Monday, September 9, 2019

Chasing Che Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Chasing Che - Research Paper Example Another theme well presented in the book and one which will be focused on in the paper is the theme of poverty that is very widespread from the text and brings itself out on many occasions. Coming back from medical school, Che had had a very great life and enjoyed each day that he had spent studying. This was not only because he was very steadfast but also from the fact that everything that he had needed and was using was availed to him readily1. There was water in abundance and he used to have a very reputable and diet food. This was sure to keep him healthy and delighted all the time. However, the situation changed as soon as he was through with his education and went back to his home town. The area was a mess and he found it very hard to cope with the conditions there. The change was rather drastic for him and his friend and thus they sat down and devised a plan on how to get the conditions back on track. Che thought it through as he carried on his day to day activities back at ho me and with the help of his close friend decided to take a trip across the country in an effort to bring back the so much required revolution. The essence of the revolution was so as to get the economic condition of the country stable so that the adverse conditions of his village could reduce significantly if not come to an end2. The poverty in the country is brought to focus when the effects of having the fuel for the journey as quite a large hustle. This is clearly defined in the manner through which Che complains of lack of enough money to travel throughout the country. Che was a very instrumental man and had decided to give up everything for the success of his journey. The fact that as trained doctor he was having problems with finances was a clear indication of how deplorable the conditions of the country were. When he had left the hometown, he was very sure that with proper education he would gain employment but this was not the subsequent case. Fidel Castro was the leader of Cuba at the time. He was a very corrupt head and did not play by the book but rather went on his own way as he continued ruling the country3. His corruption was witnessed from the manner through which people from his country varied greatly economically. A section of people dwelt in palaces and expensive mansions while another section of the people actually survived in areas that were overcome by poverty and did not have all the resources that they required. The corruption was as much as he did not actually care anymore what the people thought but rather went on to live his life in a fancy manner. The people stated to be living lavish lives were close friends and family of the leader. The uneven spread of resources made other places become poorer than others and this was the major reason as to why Che set out on the journey in an effort to change this. Che decided to take a motorcycle ride all around the country without caring a lot of whether he would succeed or not but rather all t hat he wanted was to have in mind that he had tried his best. The theme of poverty clearly shapes itself from the first few kilometers that Che and his friend took while navigating the country. This was because of the vast amount of problems they had with

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