Sunday, December 1, 2019

Islam and Christianity Essay Example

Islam and Christianity Essay Islam, which literally means peace, is one of the most largest and influential religion today with about 1.5 billion followers worldwide. Being a monotheistic religion, Islam’s major teaching is the existence of only one God, Allah and that Muhammad, who revealed the completeness of the teachings of Islam, is His last prophet. Other Islamic beliefs include the belief in angels, the Books of God that contains the teaching and Decree of God, messengers of God or the prophets and the Day of Judgment. The followers of Islam, Muslims, have five main duties known as the Five Pillars of Islam: to bear witness that there is no other God but and Allah and Muhammad is His prophet, to pray five times in a day known as the Salat, alms giving or the Zakat, Pilgrimage to Mecca or hajj and fasting during the month of Ramadan or Bukhari. Although a lot of books and many other reading materials had been published regarding the religion of Islam, I strongly believe that there are many things about their faith that cannot be grasp through reading alone.   Also, Islam and Christianity have many similarities as well as differences, thus it is important to compare them so as to evaluate which factor is greater, their similarities or their differences. 2.0 Personal Interview Details In order to better understand the Islamic faith, I interviewed Sh. Jamal H. Said, Imam and Director of the Mosque Foundation, 7360 W. St., Bridgeview, IL. 60455. The Mosque foundation aims to serve the needs of Muslims in different areas such as spiritual, religious and communal needs by nurturing their faith, fostering the wellbeing of their community and upholding their values through worship, education, outreach, charity and civic engagement (The Mosque foundation, 2009). You can also visit their website at Preparations had been taken prior to the interview including authorizations, arrangements and materials needed. We will write a custom essay sample on Islam and Christianity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Islam and Christianity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Islam and Christianity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 3.0 Interview Summary In my interview with Imam Jamal Said, I have gained better understanding of the Islamic faith. I was also able to clarify things that I see troubling regarding the Muslim’s ways, beliefs and practices especially regarding the role of woman in their society and culture. These are the accounts of the information I attain from the interview with Imam Jamal Said. The Islamic faith originated in the time of Adam but its guidelines were prescribed and completed during the prophet hood of Muhammad. Many considers Muhammad to be the founder of Islam but there is no founder per say to the Islamic religion for it has been prescribed by Allah as the religion for all humankind. But it is the Prophet Muhammad that carried the message of the Islamic faith in its complete form and although illiterate, he was a role model in all of his affairs; as a leader, a father, a husband, nephew and friend. It is the teachings of Islam that gave women several rights including the right to inherit, own property and divorce which are not common that time. As Imam Jamal said emphasized, Islam is a complete way of life. The Islamic faith has prescribed two holidays which mark the end of the seasons during which two of the five pillars of Islam are consummated. Eid al-Fitr, marks the end of the fasting the ninth Islamic lunar month of Ramadan. Eid al-Adha, marks the end of the pilgrimage, or Hajj during the 12th Islamic lunar month of Dhul Hijjah. Also, Friday is a blessed day for Muslims because Allah has prescribed it to be the day Muslim’s congregate. Islam and Christianity believe in similar code of beliefs since they worship the same Abrahamic God but differ in their beliefs regarding the divinity of Christ as well as the prophet hood of Muhammad. They also differ in their belief regarding the way of salvation. Imam Jamal Said also stated the key difference between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims is not their creed, but rather their political differences. Shiite Muslims believe in the Imam, which is that some religious figures receive inspiration from Allah according to their lineage to the prophet Muhammad. According to the Islamic faith, men and women have equal footing but are governed by different rules due their natural differences. For example, a woman who is menstruating is excused from performing the five daily prayers and also from fasting during the month of Ramadan. A Muslim woman can divorce her husband if she simply does not like him, while a Muslim man is not given that right. However, sometimes Muslims adopt traditions oppressive to women which are against the commands of Islam but are purely cultural. Islam has forbidden such practices. The Bible is also one of the texts used by Muslims and thus, it is intriguing that they are allowed to practice polygamy although adultery is forbidden by the Bible. Regarding this matter, Imam Jamal said gave emphasis on the difference between polygamy and adultery which the Bible forbids. Polygamy had been a common practice in the time of the Prophet Muhammad and is still acceptable in some cultures today. Islam on the other hand rectified this practice by limiting the number to four and ensuring that women are given their rights and is done in a just manner. Polygamy is different from adultery and Islam also considers adultery as well as incest as a grave sin. Another notable practice of Muslims is that they remove their shoes at home and at the Masjhid. This practice has no religious implications but is only practiced due to their preference since Muslims place their foreheads on the floor during prayer. Indeed, there are things that are better understood not through books or any reading material. My interview with Imam Jamal Said truly deepened my understanding about Islam and Muslims in general. 4.0 Islam and Christianity Islam and Christianity are the two dominating religions in the world today. Although they have differences in their beliefs and practices, they also have many similarities with one another. Let us look at the similarities and differences between the two and weigh whether their differences or similarities are greater than the other. 4.1 Similarities between Islam and Christianity One of the most notable similarities between Islam and Christianity is that they are both monotheistic in nature, they both believe in one God, the creator of heaven and earth. Only God is worthy of worship and idolatry is considered as a very serious sin against God. In the same way, they (Islam and Christianity) also believe that a time will come when God will judge all the people according to their way of life and or beliefs, Judgment Day, where either heaven or hell awaits them. Consequently, they believe that humans have soul or spirit that leaves the body in time of death. Both religions also believe in angels and human messengers of God. Thus, the writing on the holy text of Islam and Christianity, the Quran and the Bible, are revelations from God through His messengers or prophets. Islam and Christianity also have similar practices including prayer, congregational service of worship, charity and fasting. Both believe that prayer as a means of communicating with God, that God had appointed a special day for worship (Friday for Muslims and Sunday for Christians) and that charity as well as fasting carries spiritual reward (Gaudet et al., n.d.). Islam and Christianity’s teaching about prayer, although different in wordings, have the same meaning (Gaudet et al., n.d.).   Both prayers constitute three major parts which are adoration, submission and supplication: adoration on the goodness and divinity of God, submission to His will and supplication for man’s wants and needs (Gaudet et al., n.d.).   In the same way there are a lot of teachings or rather writings in the Quran that are similar to the writings in the Bible like teachings about creation (Quran 35:13 and Genesis 1:14 etc.), the Ten Commandments (Quran 2:53 and Exodus 24:12 etc.) and prohibiting marriage to some degree specifically due to bloodline (Quran 4:22-24 and Leviticus 18:6-18). 4.2 Differences between Islam and Christianity Although both Islam and Christianity are monotheistic in nature and believe in only one God, Christians believe in the trinity of God, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, a belief that Muslims strongly reject. The two religions also believe in Jesus but they differ in what they believe. Christians believe that Jesus is human and god at the same time, the son of God and the Virgin Mary, that He was crucified and rose from the dead at the third day, ascended to heaven and seated at the throne of God. This belief is the foundation of the Christian faith. On the other hand, Muslims believe that Jesus is, just like Muhammad, a prophet of God and not the Son of God. They deny His crucifixion as well as the miracles that Christians claim He had performed. Still, Muslims affirm Jesus’ ascension to heaven (Religious Facts, 2009). Their differences in their beliefs about Jesus can be considered as the primary difference that separates Islam and Christianity. Muslims and Christians also differ regarding their belief in the nature of man. According to Christians, man inherits the sin of their forefathers, Adam and Eve, and are thus by nature a sinner. Consequently, a person has to be baptized in order to be cleansed from their inherited sin. On the other hand, Muslims believe that every man has equal ability to do good and evil with their free will and that sin is ones own and cannot be inherited by their descendants. Thus, every man is born pure and sinless. Muslims also believe that no one can atone for the actions of another person. However, a person may ask God for mercy and forgiveness on behalf on another person (Gaudet et al., n.d.). On the other hand, Christians believe that Jesus is the perfect sacrifice and died for the atonement of man’s sin. Although Islam and Christianity are similar regarding the limitations of marriage due to bloodline as mentioned earlier, they still have contradicting views. Muslim men are allowed to marry up to four times as long as they can support their wives and treat them equally (Said, 2010). However, Christians believe that it is a man’s duty to be faithful to his wife and thus should have no other. Another major difference between Islam and Christianity is their belief regarding salvation. Islam teaches that at the Day of Judgment all will be resurrected and taken for a final accounting of their deeds and the same time, the world will meet its end cataclysmically (Fisher, 2005). â€Å"Hell is the grievous destiny of †¦ those who have rejected faith in and obedience to Allah and His Messenger, who are unjust and who do not forbid evil. Hell also awaits the hypocrites who even after making a covenant with Allah have turned away from their promise to give in charity and to pray regularly† (Fisher, 2005). Islam describes hell as â€Å"fire fueled by humans, boiling water, pus, chains, searing winds, food that chokes, and so forth† (Fisher, 2005). Christianity on the other hand emphasizes on the grace and love of God for humanity regarding salvation. John 3:16 says, â€Å"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him w ill not perished but have eternal life†. The Bible described hell as a burning lake of fiery sulfur. Thus, Muslim salvation lies on their deeds while Christian salvation lies on faith on Jesus. Additionally, Muslims believes that although a believer is sent to hell, he/she will eventually be lifted to paradise and only unbelievers will be left there (Fisher, 2005). In contrast, Christians believe that punishment in hell is eternal. 5.0 Conclusion Indeed there are a lot of texts pertaining to Islam but knowing things personally from a man of the faith is something more. There are things that cannot be learned through reading alone and I have proven this matter through my interview with Imam Jamal Said of the Mosque foundation. Islam and Christianity may have a lot in common regarding their beliefs and practices but the facts show that their differences far outweigh their similarities. The mere fact that they have different view regarding the salvation itself is strong enough to separate the two religions since it is the main purpose of every religion to give salvation to the soul/spirit. Their beliefs regarding the oneness or trinity of God, salvation and matters pertaining to Jesus are the foundation of their faith, something that separates one from the other. References Fisher, M. P. (2005). Living Religions. Upper Saddle River,: Prentice Hall. Gaudet et al. (n.d.). Islam and Christianity: Similarities and Differences. Retrieved July 16, 2010 Mosque Foundation (2009). About the Mosque Foundation. Retrieved July 16, 2010 from Religion Facts (2009). Comparison Chart: Christianity and Islam. Retrieved July 16, 2010 from Islam and Christianity Essay Example Islam and Christianity Essay Islam, which literally means peace, is one of the most largest and influential religion today with about 1.5 billion followers worldwide. Being a monotheistic religion, Islam’s major teaching is the existence of only one God, Allah and that Muhammad, who revealed the completeness of the teachings of Islam, is His last prophet. Other Islamic beliefs include the belief in angels, the Books of God that contains the teaching and Decree of God, messengers of God or the prophets and the Day of Judgment. The followers of Islam, Muslims, have five main duties known as the Five Pillars of Islam: to bear witness that there is no other God but and Allah and Muhammad is His prophet, to pray five times in a day known as the Salat, alms giving or the Zakat, Pilgrimage to Mecca or hajj and fasting during the month of Ramadan or Bukhari. Although a lot of books and many other reading materials had been published regarding the religion of Islam, I strongly believe that there are many things about their faith that cannot be grasp through reading alone.   Also, Islam and Christianity have many similarities as well as differences, thus it is important to compare them so as to evaluate which factor is greater, their similarities or their differences. 2.0 Personal Interview Details In order to better understand the Islamic faith, I interviewed Sh. Jamal H. Said, Imam and Director of the Mosque Foundation, 7360 W. St., Bridgeview, IL. 60455. The Mosque foundation aims to serve the needs of Muslims in different areas such as spiritual, religious and communal needs by nurturing their faith, fostering the wellbeing of their community and upholding their values through worship, education, outreach, charity and civic engagement (The Mosque foundation, 2009). You can also visit their website at Preparations had been taken prior to the interview including authorizations, arrangements and materials needed. We will write a custom essay sample on Islam and Christianity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Islam and Christianity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Islam and Christianity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 3.0 Interview Summary In my interview with Imam Jamal Said, I have gained better understanding of the Islamic faith. I was also able to clarify things that I see troubling regarding the Muslim’s ways, beliefs and practices especially regarding the role of woman in their society and culture. These are the accounts of the information I attain from the interview with Imam Jamal Said. The Islamic faith originated in the time of Adam but its guidelines were prescribed and completed during the prophet hood of Muhammad. Many considers Muhammad to be the founder of Islam but there is no founder per say to the Islamic religion for it has been prescribed by Allah as the religion for all humankind. But it is the Prophet Muhammad that carried the message of the Islamic faith in its complete form and although illiterate, he was a role model in all of his affairs; as a leader, a father, a husband, nephew and friend. It is the teachings of Islam that gave women several rights including the right to inherit, own property and divorce which are not common that time. As Imam Jamal said emphasized, Islam is a complete way of life. The Islamic faith has prescribed two holidays which mark the end of the seasons during which two of the five pillars of Islam are consummated. Eid al-Fitr, marks the end of the fasting the ninth Islamic lunar month of Ramadan. Eid al-Adha, marks the end of the pilgrimage, or Hajj during the 12th Islamic lunar month of Dhul Hijjah. Also, Friday is a blessed day for Muslims because Allah has prescribed it to be the day Muslim’s congregate. Islam and Christianity believe in similar code of beliefs since they worship the same Abrahamic God but differ in their beliefs regarding the divinity of Christ as well as the prophet hood of Muhammad. They also differ in their belief regarding the way of salvation. Imam Jamal Said also stated the key difference between the Sunni and Shiite Muslims is not their creed, but rather their political differences. Shiite Muslims believe in the Imam, which is that some religious figures receive inspiration from Allah according to their lineage to the prophet Muhammad. According to the Islamic faith, men and women have equal footing but are governed by different rules due their natural differences. For example, a woman who is menstruating is excused from performing the five daily prayers and also from fasting during the month of Ramadan. A Muslim woman can divorce her husband if she simply does not like him, while a Muslim man is not given that right. However, sometimes Muslims adopt traditions oppressive to women which are against the commands of Islam but are purely cultural. Islam has forbidden such practices. The Bible is also one of the texts used by Muslims and thus, it is intriguing that they are allowed to practice polygamy although adultery is forbidden by the Bible. Regarding this matter, Imam Jamal said gave emphasis on the difference between polygamy and adultery which the Bible forbids. Polygamy had been a common practice in the time of the Prophet Muhammad and is still acceptable in some cultures today. Islam on the other hand rectified this practice by limiting the number to four and ensuring that women are given their rights and is done in a just manner. Polygamy is different from adultery and Islam also considers adultery as well as incest as a grave sin. Another notable practice of Muslims is that they remove their shoes at home and at the Masjhid. This practice has no religious implications but is only practiced due to their preference since Muslims place their foreheads on the floor during prayer. Indeed, there are things that are better understood not through books or any reading material. My interview with Imam Jamal Said truly deepened my understanding about Islam and Muslims in general. 4.0 Islam and Christianity Islam and Christianity are the two dominating religions in the world today. Although they have differences in their beliefs and practices, they also have many similarities with one another. Let us look at the similarities and differences between the two and weigh whether their differences or similarities are greater than the other. 4.1 Similarities between Islam and Christianity One of the most notable similarities between Islam and Christianity is that they are both monotheistic in nature, they both believe in one God, the creator of heaven and earth. Only God is worthy of worship and idolatry is considered as a very serious sin against God. In the same way, they (Islam and Christianity) also believe that a time will come when God will judge all the people according to their way of life and or beliefs, Judgment Day, where either heaven or hell awaits them. Consequently, they believe that humans have soul or spirit that leaves the body in time of death. Both religions also believe in angels and human messengers of God. Thus, the writing on the holy text of Islam and Christianity, the Quran and the Bible, are revelations from God through His messengers or prophets. Islam and Christianity also have similar practices including prayer, congregational service of worship, charity and fasting. Both believe that prayer as a means of communicating with God, that God had appointed a special day for worship (Friday for Muslims and Sunday for Christians) and that charity as well as fasting carries spiritual reward (Gaudet et al., n.d.). Islam and Christianity’s teaching about prayer, although different in wordings, have the same meaning (Gaudet et al., n.d.).   Both prayers constitute three major parts which are adoration, submission and supplication: adoration on the goodness and divinity of God, submission to His will and supplication for man’s wants and needs (Gaudet et al., n.d.).   In the same way there are a lot of teachings or rather writings in the Quran that are similar to the writings in the Bible like teachings about creation (Quran 35:13 and Genesis 1:14 etc.), the Ten Commandments (Quran 2:53 and Exodus 24:12 etc.) and prohibiting marriage to some degree specifically due to bloodline (Quran 4:22-24 and Leviticus 18:6-18). 4.2 Differences between Islam and Christianity Although both Islam and Christianity are monotheistic in nature and believe in only one God, Christians believe in the trinity of God, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, a belief that Muslims strongly reject. The two religions also believe in Jesus but they differ in what they believe. Christians believe that Jesus is human and god at the same time, the son of God and the Virgin Mary, that He was crucified and rose from the dead at the third day, ascended to heaven and seated at the throne of God. This belief is the foundation of the Christian faith. On the other hand, Muslims believe that Jesus is, just like Muhammad, a prophet of God and not the Son of God. They deny His crucifixion as well as the miracles that Christians claim He had performed. Still, Muslims affirm Jesus’ ascension to heaven (Religious Facts, 2009). Their differences in their beliefs about Jesus can be considered as the primary difference that separates Islam and Christianity. Muslims and Christians also differ regarding their belief in the nature of man. According to Christians, man inherits the sin of their forefathers, Adam and Eve, and are thus by nature a sinner. Consequently, a person has to be baptized in order to be cleansed from their inherited sin. On the other hand, Muslims believe that every man has equal ability to do good and evil with their free will and that sin is ones own and cannot be inherited by their descendants. Thus, every man is born pure and sinless. Muslims also believe that no one can atone for the actions of another person. However, a person may ask God for mercy and forgiveness on behalf on another person (Gaudet et al., n.d.). On the other hand, Christians believe that Jesus is the perfect sacrifice and died for the atonement of man’s sin. Although Islam and Christianity are similar regarding the limitations of marriage due to bloodline as mentioned earlier, they still have contradicting views. Muslim men are allowed to marry up to four times as long as they can support their wives and treat them equally (Said, 2010). However, Christians believe that it is a man’s duty to be faithful to his wife and thus should have no other. Another major difference between Islam and Christianity is their belief regarding salvation. Islam teaches that at the Day of Judgment all will be resurrected and taken for a final accounting of their deeds and the same time, the world will meet its end cataclysmically (Fisher, 2005). â€Å"Hell is the grievous destiny of †¦ those who have rejected faith in and obedience to Allah and His Messenger, who are unjust and who do not forbid evil. Hell also awaits the hypocrites who even after making a covenant with Allah have turned away from their promise to give in charity and to pray regularly† (Fisher, 2005). Islam describes hell as â€Å"fire fueled by humans, boiling water, pus, chains, searing winds, food that chokes, and so forth† (Fisher, 2005). Christianity on the other hand emphasizes on the grace and love of God for humanity regarding salvation. John 3:16 says, â€Å"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him w ill not perished but have eternal life†. The Bible described hell as a burning lake of fiery sulfur. Thus, Muslim salvation lies on their deeds while Christian salvation lies on faith on Jesus. Additionally, Muslims believes that although a believer is sent to hell, he/she will eventually be lifted to paradise and only unbelievers will be left there (Fisher, 2005). In contrast, Christians believe that punishment in hell is eternal. 5.0 Conclusion Indeed there are a lot of texts pertaining to Islam but knowing things personally from a man of the faith is something more. There are things that cannot be learned through reading alone and I have proven this matter through my interview with Imam Jamal Said of the Mosque foundation. Islam and Christianity may have a lot in common regarding their beliefs and practices but the facts show that their differences far outweigh their similarities. The mere fact that they have different view regarding the salvation itself is strong enough to separate the two religions since it is the main purpose of every religion to give salvation to the soul/spirit. Their beliefs regarding the oneness or trinity of God, salvation and matters pertaining to Jesus are the foundation of their faith, something that separates one from the other. References Fisher, M. P. (2005). Living Religions. Upper Saddle River,: Prentice Hall. Gaudet et al. (n.d.). Islam and Christianity: Similarities and Differences. Retrieved July 16, 2010 Mosque Foundation (2009). About the Mosque Foundation. Retrieved July 16, 2010 from Religion Facts (2009). Comparison Chart: Christianity and Islam. Retrieved July 16, 2010 from

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